For a long time I have been running from the idea of missions. Sure, I'll go to San Francisco or Spain with the Loft, but that's it. No going any further. No pushing the limits. I like to play it safe.
That ended today.
In the Loft this morning, a Journeyman, Maggie, came to speak about her experience overseas and how the Lord continually showed up and showed out. Then she began speaking about opportunities to serve as a student through the IMB and I honestly, my mind was anywhere but her presentation until I heard the words "Sex Trafficking"come out of her mouth. If you read my last entry, you'll remember that the children I worked with in Brazil were mostly bought out of prostitution and slavery, so women and children in that lifestyle way heavily on my heart.
For the rest of her presentation I was struggling with God. Finally I decided that to prove God wrong (like I really could), I would talk to Maggie and she would tell me that I wasn't qualified for the trip.
Turns out that the trip had filled earlier that morning, but I could almost hear God saying "You're not getting away from this that easily", and Maggie told me that though the trip to Thailand was booked, she knew that there was a woman who was looking for individuals and I was perfect for the job.
During service after my meeting with Maggie, I couldn't tell you what the pastor was preaching about (Are you seeing a pattern?) because I was thinking of how I could get out of this mission trip. Traveling with a team is one thing, but going to a foreign country by myself? That's way outside of my comfort zone.
As the service ended, there was an opportunity to commit to missions, whether it be short or long term which involved filling out a card and walking to the front of the church. As I was holding the commitment card in my hands, I looked up and my mother was handing me a pen and I heard the Lord say "Stop Fighting" and before I knew what I was doing, my card was filled out, I was standing in front of the alter of the church and tears were falling down my face.
So, I'm going.
Where? I don't know.
When? I don't know.
The one thing I do know: I've stopped fighting.
What? I'm seriously so proud of you! This is so great! God is gonna use you like none other! I love you!